Podcast Episode 1: A BOX OF LEMONS

The pilot episode of “So Mom” introduces the warm and lively bond between me, Dr. Priscilla Sands and my daughter, Adele Griffin. Our conversation is full of humor and rich reflections as we discuss everything from potential movie stars who could portray us, to the challenges and joys of a 30-year separation followed by reuniting during the pandemic.

Adele and I share stories of our theater experiences, mother-daughter dynamics, and how moving to Los Angeles brought our families closer together.

This first episode highlights their strong connection, practical insights, and evolving relationship, offering a heartfelt glimpse into our shared past and present.

Summary of Episode 1

When my daughter Adele and I first began our podcast, So, Mom…, we envisioned creating a space to share experiences, insights, and a few laughs along the way. With over four decades in education and Adele’s long-standing career as a writer, our conversations naturally intertwine motherhood, growth, and the unique challenges life throws at us.

One of the key segments in our podcast often revolves around our experiences as a military family. “Theater became our constant,” Adele recalls in one episode. It was our lifeline during those years of frequent moves, bringing stability to a life of uncertainty.

We discuss how creating a family tradition like this helped us manage change and stay connected, despite being in new environments every few years. For families facing similar upheaval, this is an important theme—finding that one thing that brings you together, no matter where you are.

In another episode, we focus on parenting as a form of education. I’ve spent many years as a leader in independent schools, but what I’ve learned is that the most important lessons are taught at home.

“As parents, we’re educators at home,” I often say, and I truly believe that parenting is about teaching resilience, empathy, and an openness to the unknown. Whether it’s through discipline, encouragement, or even the way we handle our own setbacks, we’re constantly modeling the behaviors and values that shape our children.

“That’s where I found happiness. In theaters where we lived, in theaters that we created, and then ultimately in education, there was such satisfaction in both of those jobs.”

We also delve into the dynamic relationship between Adele and me— how it’s evolved and grown over the years. In one conversation, Adele says, “We’ve always been a team, but it took me growing up to realize just how much you balanced your professional life with raising us.”

For me, this has been one of the most enriching aspects of the podcast—hearing how my daughter’s perspective has shifted as she navigates her own life. It reminds me that the role of a mother evolves as well, and it’s a lesson I hope resonates with others as they listen.

Throughout the series, we hope to spark reflection in our listeners, whether they’re parents, educators, or anyone curious about life’s challenges and joys.

So, Mom… is an invitation to embrace change, cultivate resilience, and connect across generations. Adele and I are proud to share our stories and hope our listeners find themselves somewhere in them, too.

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Writer, educator and podcaster with a mission to illuminate the journey of parenting with wisdom, empathy, humor, and educational expertise.

Follow her on social media: @priscillagsands


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